And a view of Boston, also from the top of the Prudential building:

And a view of Boston, also from the top of the Prudential building:
This statue is a replica of one that originally stood at the top of the dome of the State Capitol in Hartford, Connecticut. My nephew is a Connecticut state representative and we scored an insider's tour! Thanks Tim!
Looking up, inside the Connecticut State Capitol building:
The Cape Cod lighthouse at Truro:
The beach on Cape Cod:
My collection of beach stones:
Heading into Boston:
We spent a little time today in Cambridge and then toured the Sam Adams brewery in Boston. (our son-in-law is a beer * no, not bear* afficiando.) Photos to come.
3) Boyds Bears Checkbook Cover
And, last but not least,
4) Bear Country T-shirt
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Quote for the Day:
Tomorrow, we're off to Connecticut!