There's so much to report about the comings and goings here at Mostly Bears, that I have posted a newsletter for your enjoyment, here.
(If link doesn't work for you, it's at
I do hope this finds you looking forward to the approaching "lazy days of summer"...and that you may be as blessed as I am...with youngsters & grandkids close by to enjoy them with!
Today, dear reader, I pose a very important question indeed. Those of you who are willing to post an answer will be entered into my special drawing & I guarantee you will love the winning prize!
So, without delay, I must ask...
What is a group of Hedgehogs called?

So, you must find a way to become "Blogger literate" ... hurry! ... and type your answer to our burning question in the section below to be eligible for the prize! (click below this blog entry on "comments", you will be prompted to sign in to Google if you haven't already... sign-in is free & easy ...)
The winner will be randomly chosen from the correct entries, and will receive:

Steiff Sniffy Hedgehog Keyring...mohair...very cute...everyone needs one!
Best of Luck!