Hello fellow teddy bear lovers,
I just wanted to share a preview of what's on tap for our "On the Road" giveaway, which is scheduled to begin next Thursday, June 3rd!
Here's how we're gonna do this one...
Facebook fans, email newsletter fans and blog followers are all included in the drawings. If you are all three of those, you'll get three chances.
(1. To become a Facebook fan, look for Mostly Bears the Store on FB & click "like". 2. To add yourself to our email newsletter, visit the website at http://www.mostlybears.com/ and click on Join Our Newsletter. 3. To become a blog follower, click below right to follow us via Networked Blogs.)
Anyway, getting back...
Each day "on the road", we'll choose a winner of one of the fun prizes shown. I'll post more pics on the day of each drawing.
On the last day of the promotion, we'll choose a Grand Prize Winner, who will win this fabulous artist piece by Sandy Czaja.
"Linus" the Lion
8" in size, scruffy sparse mohair, mink poufy tail.
Sandy is an awesome artist...
Now, it just so happens that Sandy (
http://www.notchlokbears.com/) is displaying her bears at Teddy Bear Reunion in the Heartland 2010, Clarion, Iowa, from June 10th to June 13th, which just so happens to be where we're headed in the Bear Store On Wheels...
so... the winner's little lion will get signed at the show... and I'll get a nifty little snapshot capturing the moment for you...
And if that's not enough fun and adventure for y'all... here's what else we're gonna be doing...
In our travels, we make lots of stops (think, naps, fuel, groceries...) and along the way I like to pick up little souvenirs and stuff for the grandkids. Such as keyrings, shot glasses, (ok, well, I don't get those for the grandkids:), etc. I will include a fun souvenir into the packages of each winner along with their prize. You'll never know what's coming! And you'll be sitting on the edge of your seat until you get your package, I'm sure...
Furthermore, my intention is to mail all the packages from Clarion, seeing as how the post office there does this cool, nifty special event postmark during the Reunion and all, which would be fun to have on your package. But I'm not gonna strictly promise I'll do the postmark thing, since it will depend on how long I'd have to stand in line to do it. (I hate standing in line!) I'll try my best. Honest. But, if that grand plan doesn't work out, I'll just have to send your package from some mystery USPS along the way.
Along with all the giveaway craziness, we'll also be holding an "On The Road" sale & fundraiser for Teddy Bear Reunion In the Heartland. Watch this space for the festivities, scheduled to begin next Thursday, June 3rd.
And wish us "Road-Luck"! :)