Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Bear Country & some free stuff to win

We started the day out with the ducks leading the way...

And we couldn't go through Pennsylvania without checking out Boyds Bear Country, of course.

Wow, a three story barn full of bears!

I was particularly intrigued with the Hansa display...

And the bear paws in the parking lot...

So, of course, I had to pick up a few goodies to give away to our fellow teddy bear lovers. Here's what's up for grabs (Marvin not included):

1) Sweatshirt Bear Country bear, "Getty"
2) Dressed Bear Country bear exclusive "Mindy and Babykins"

3) Boyds Bears Checkbook Cover

And, last but not least,
4) Bear Country T-shirt

How to Win This Loot: Send a comment to this post (below). We will randomly choose the winners from our commenters and mail you your stuff via Priority mail! Good luck!

Quote for the Day:

Tomorrow, we're off to Connecticut!


colleen said...

I'm so jealous you went to Boyd's Bear Country! I keep trying to convince my husband. Was it worth the trip?

Anonymous said...

Has the visit to Boyd's inspired you to expand your store?

Lizardknits said...

I love the quote for the day!

Lorraine Rocci said...

Hi. I wish I knew you were at Boyd's Bear Country. I would have been there. It is great isn't it! There is so much to see. The phrase says it all - I have had enough chicken soup, now I want chocolate. So cute. I love Boyd's Bears - It just takes you back to the good ole days. Happy traveling.

bearjunkie said...

Hi to you both! Hope you are having a wonderful trip! Marti, Laura and I will be hitting BBC next Friday! We are all very excited! It would be so much fun to see you there!
Bear hugs,

Anonymous said...

If you have time while your in Seattle look me up. Would love to visit with you. Sounds like your having fun.

Michelle B

Anonymous said...

I hope you're still having lots of FUN! Marvin is a cutie. Safe travels and keep the photos coming.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I am loving all the pictures and comments! Keep them coming and keep having fun. Dorothy.

deb said...

I didn't know there was a "Boyd's Bear" Store! You are very lucky, indeed, to have visited there! I love bears!