Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Welcome to the Adventure!

A pictoral essay from Day One, Needle Felting with Bobbie Ripperger.

And yes, I am aware that our roly poly pandas kinda look like cream-colored roly poly ducks right now... but I'm hoping for big things tomorrow. :)


Our foam pieces were professionally cut by Bobbie's husband, using my old electric knife...


Bobbie's a wonderful teacher!

A roly-poly panda in progress...

Two prototypes. (No, these aren't our student pieces... we could only wish... haha!)

Bobbie makes this sound easy...

Yep, looks like a duck.

Ok, I mean an angel duck... :)

Take home message, day one...

Needle felting is a fun and mysterious art form requiring only a needle, some poofs of wispy wool, a dollop of perserverance, a healthy portion of faith and a generous teacher like Bobbie. (and maybe a little bit of pixie dust, we'll see tomorrow...)

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